
Numbers refer to paragraphs, not pages. The Preface and the Glossary are therefore not indexed.
Accidents see Occupational accidents
Aid tools
manual extraction 466
water transport 626
Aircraft, for fire-fi ghting 730
Alcohol 131
Anchor ropes 544,554,557
Anchor trees 539, 541, 545
Animals, use for extraction 482-491
Axes 381, 426
Biological hazards 189, 271, 275
Breaks 126
tree-climbing 633
Brush-cutters see Clearing-saws
Burn-out 306
Cable cranes
equipment 548-550
operation 551-566
organization of work 539-547
safety requirements 186-188
Cables 504-507, 514-516
Camps 50, 226-227
for clearance of windblow 685, 692
for crosscutting 428-433
for debranching 427
design and equipment 89
for felling 380, 387, 389-401
international regulations 161
operation 389-401
for site preparation 288
for tending 352
use in tree-climbing 650, 652, 670
see ISO standards under References and
further reading
Chemicals see Hazardous chemicals
Chipping, personal protective equipment 196
extraction by cable crane 563
extraction by helicopter 578, 588-589
extraction by skidder and winch 513-514
safety requirements 184
Chutes 473-481
Cleaning, personal protective equipment 196
Clearance of windblow
equipment 686-688
operation 689-705
organization 677-685
Clearing, manual 278-287
for site preparation 289-290, 294-300
for tending 352
see ILO standards under References and
further reading
Climbers 635-641
Climbing see Tree-climbing
Climbing irons 653, 666-667
Clothing 189-190, 274
see also Protective clothing
Code of practice
objectives 1
scope and application 2-5
Codes of forestry practice 120
Commissioning parties
definition 6
responsibilities 45-46
cutting, extraction and loading 262
emergency rescue 215
extraction by cable crane 546-547, 549
extraction by chute 479-480
extraction by helicopter 574, 579, 583-585
extraction by skidder and winch 500
fire-fighting 710
isolated situations 261
mechanized felling and conversion 444
road transport 617
tree-climbing 632
winches and chokers 185
Competent authorities
definition 6
duties 9-25, 233
Competent persons 111-112
definition 6
definition 6
employers' responsibilities 45-46
enterprise level procedures 110
information requirements 116, 118-119
laws and regulations 19
qualifications 139-140
responsibilities 16, 69-73, 123
supervisors' responsibilities 68
Cooperation, employers 60
Crosscutting 428-433
Cut-up trees see Hung-up trees
Dangerous occurrences
definition 6
documentation 123
reporting procedures 95
Darkness 265-266
Dead trees
felling 371-372, 404, 419
risk assessment 255

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