In Transition

AuthorMamuka Tsereteli
PositionSenior fellow, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at the American Foreign Policy Council
In Transition
WITH HIS PREVIOUS WORKS, R ichard Pomfret has
already established himself as one of the lead-
ing scholars of the five central Asian economies:
Kazakhstan, the Kyrg yz Republic, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. His new book,
e Central Asian Economies in the Twenty-First
Century: Paving a New Silk Road , is very timely
given the increased interest by polic ymakers,
investors, and scholars in the reg ion since the
transition of power in Uzbekista n in 2016 fol-
lowing the death of the countr y’s long-serving
president. e size, location, and recent political
and economic reforms in Uzbekista n have had
an impact on the rest of central Asia, boosting
regional cooperation, cross-border trade, and
greater connectivity. Global political dy namics
and the growing economic influence of Chin a in
this part of the world have al so stimulated interest
in Pomfret’s book.
Pomfret takes the reader t hrough the economic
transitions of these five former Soviet republics—
from centrally planned e conomies to independent
states—with d ifferent degrees of market systems
and openness to trade and invest ment. He outlines
three major economic shocks faced by a ll central
Asian countries st arting in 1991: dissolution of the
Soviet Union, transition from central plann ing,
and hyperinflation. e book descr ibes the diverse
strategies used by thes e countries in dealing with
these shocks, from the open ma rket approach of
the Kyrgyz Republic to the slow reform policies of
Uzbekistan (until 2017) and the closed economy
of Turkmenistan. Pomfret also analy zes the role
of natural resources i n the economic development
of central Asia, wit h Kazakhsta n being the major
beneficiary of the oil development of the past
two decades.
e book provides a detailed description of the
evolution of the political economy of these five
countries. Pomfret demonstrates deep knowledge
of the economic models and government policies of
each country since its i ndependence. e book also
analyze s the impact of different externa l forces on
central Asian countries, with particular emphasis
on the Russia-led Eurasian E conomic Union and
the impact of trade and investment ties w ith China.
A particula r focus of the book is the challenges
and opportunities of regional co operation in central
Asia. Unfriendly and someti mes tense relations
between some countries have restricted opportu-
nities for intraregional trade and infrastructure
development. With the significant investments
in infrastr ucture by these countries’ governments
and international financia l institutions as well a s
by foreign investors, conditions are favorable to
increase regional integ ration, maximize the tra nsit
potential of the region, and restore the historic role
of central Asia as t he crossroads of the silk roads
connecting Asia a nd Europe. Pomfret expands
on this potential in the la st chapter of his book,
expressing cautious optimism for central Asia to
restore its historic influence.
Pomfret’s book would have been stronger if it
had focused more on the private sector’s perspec-
tive on national and regional ec onomic develop-
ment models and on the links bet ween foreign
direct investment, employment, and hard and
soft infrast ructure development for better con-
nectivity and trade.
Overall, the book ma kes a significant contribu-
tion to the study of the evolution of the economies
of central Asia and to evaluating the potential of
these countries to meet the ch allenges and oppor-
tunities of the 21st century.
MAMUKA TSERETELI, senior fellow, Central Asia-Caucasus
Institute at the American Foreign Policy Council
Richard Pomfret
The Central Asian
Economies in the
Twenty-First Century:
Paving a New Silk Road
Princeton University Press,
Princeton, NJ, 2019, 328 pp., $45.00

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