In the courts: What Myriad means for biotech

AuthorEmma Barraclough
PositionGroup Editor, Managing Intellectual Property
What Myriad means
FOR BIOTECH By Emma Barraclough,
Group Editor,
Managing Intellectual Property
Who owns your genes? Do you own them if they are i nside
your body, but someone else can own them i f they have been
removed? Are isolated human gene s man-made, patentable
inventions or unpatentable products of nature? The se were
the issues before the nine justi ces of America’s highest court
in Assoc iation for Molecular Pathology v Myriad Genetic s
earlier this year.
The story of Myriad begins almost 20 ye ars ago, when Salt Lake
City-based Myriad Genetics announced it had sequenced the
BR CA1 gene, a mutation that can lead to breast and ovarian
cancer. Two years later, the team published th e sequence for
another gene correlated wi th hereditary breast and ovaria n
cancer: BRCA2. It obtained patents on both genes. Its discov-
eries were lucrative: in 1996 it began sell ing the rst molecular
diagnostic test for these heredi tary cancers at a cost of around
US$3,000 per patient.
Fast-forward to 2009 and the company found itsel f (along
with the Trustees of the University of Utah) sued by a group of
human rights campaigners and patients’ rights activists. The
plaintiffs, who includ ed the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT),
the American Civil L iberties Union (ACLU) and Breast Cancer
Action, challenged clai ms in seven of Myriad’s BRCA patents.
Although thousands of ge nes are patented in the US, PUB-
PAT attorney Dan Ravicher says the groups targeted Myriad
because of the company’s reluctance to licen se its patents
to competitors.
The plaintiffs prevai led at rst instance, when a New York judge
held that DNA is unpatentable subj ect matter. A quirk of timing
saw the Federal Circuit for the Cou rt of Appeals consider the
dispute twice: once before and on ce after the Supreme Court
ruled in another highly-antic ipated biotech case – Prometheus v
Mayo – that Prometheus’s diagnostic method patents were in-
valid. (See US cour ts grapple with patent-eligible subject matter
By the time the Myriad case wound i ts way up to the Supreme
Court, it had attracted almo st 50 amicus briefs, from associa-
tions of IP lawyers and biotech re searchers to venture capital-
ists and concerned ci tizens. The interest the case provoked
is unsurprising cons idering both the issues before the Cour t
Key biotech cases
Judges and patent oce ocia ls on both sides of the Atlantic
have decided a series of hig h-prole gene-related disput es.
Here are some of the most import ant.
Diamond v Chakrabarty
In 1980, the Supreme Cour t of the United States ruled t hat
a micro-organ ism that had been genetical ly modied for
use in cleani ng oil spills was patent able on the grounds
that it did not constit ute a “product of nature”. e Court
set an importa nt precedent in the area of patentabil ity
by rulin g: “e laws of nature, physic al phenomena, and
abstract ideas h ave been held not patentable. us, a new
mineral di scovered in the earth or a new pla nt found in the
wild is not patenta ble subject matter … Such discoveries a re
‘manifestat ions of . . . nature, free to al l men and reserved
exclusively to none’.” e decision was a close-r un thing,
however: four justic es dissented, a portent of lit igation to
Harvard Oncomouse
In 1984, the Europea n Patent Oce (EPO) received its
rst application for a pat ent of an animal: the genet ically
modied Har vard Oncomouse. Eight yea rs later it granted
a patent to the Harv ard University researchers i nvolved,
a move opposed by an ar ray of political partie s, religious
groups and envi ronmental activis ts. e EPO ultimately
upheld the patent in 200 4 but ruled that it should relate to
transgenic m ice only, rather than all rodent s.
Prometheus L aboratories, Inc v Mayo
Collaborative Services
In March 2012, the Supreme Cou rt ruled that Promet heus’
patent claims relat ed to ways of optimizin g doses of certain
drugs use d to treat specic conditions were i nvalid because
they relate to a natu ral phenomenon. e eect of the
decision was to mak e it harder for developers of genetic tests
to obtain patent protec tion.

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