IMF Economic Review

IMF Research Bulletin
M. Ayhan Kose
Prakas h Loungani
Patricia Loo
Assistant Editor
Tracey Lookadoo
Editorial Assistant
Multimedia Ser vices
The IMF Resea rch Bulletin
(ISSN: 1020-8313) is a quar-
terly publication in E nglish
and is available f reeof
charge. The view s expressed
in the Bullet in are those of
the author(s) and do not
necessari ly represent those
of the IMF or IMF pol icy.
Material from t he Bulletin
may bereprinted wit h
proper attribut ion. Editorial
correspondence may be
addressed to The Ed itor,
IMF Research Bulletin,
IMF, Room HQ1-9-612,
Washington, DC 20431
USA; or e-mailed to
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Staff Discussion Notes
Sta Disc ussion Notes showcase new policy-related analysi s and
research by IMF depar tments. ese papers are generally brief
and written in nontechn ical language, and are aime d at a broad
audience interested in economic policy is sues. For more informa-
tion on this series and to down load the papers in this series, please
visit: ww
aspx?page= sdn
No. 13/7
Dealing with High Debt in an Era of Low Growth
S. Ali Abbas, Bernardin Akitoby, Jochen Andritzky, Helge Berger,
Takuji Komatsuzaki, and Justin Tyson
No. 13/9
Toward a Fiscal Union for the Euro Area
Céline Allard, Petya Koeva Brooks, John C. Bluedorn, Fabian Bornhorst, Katharine Christopherson,
Franziska Ohnsorge, Tigran Poghosyan, and an IMF Sta Team
No. 13/10
Women, Work, and the Economy: Macroeconomic Gains from Gender Equity
Katrin Elborgh-Woytek, Monique Newiak, Kalpana Kochhar, Stefania Fabrizio, Kangni Kpodar,
Philippe Wingender, Benedict Clements, and Gerd Schwartz
Top-Viewed Articles in 2013
e IMF Economic Revie w is making three of its top-viewed
articles from recent issue s free-to-v iew until De cember 31, 2013.
Visit ww w.palgrave -journa fer to read the art icles:
Issue 1: Public Investment in Resource-Abundant Developing
Countries, by Andrew Berg, Rafael Portil lo, Shu-Chun
S. Yang, and Luis-Felipe Zanna
Issue 2: Systemic Banking Crises Database, by Luc L aeven and
Fabián Valencia
Issue 3: Cyclical Unemployment, Structu ral Unemployment,
by Peter Diamond
To keep abreast of new articles as they publish, you ca n sign up to receive free table-of-
contents alerts at: _alert
“Issue after issue, the IMF Econ omic Review has been delivering high-impact r esearch that em-
bodies both methodological rigo r and policy relevance. This is no small or easy achievement. T he
journal is required reading for all stude nts of the global macroeconomy, whether their inter est is
scholarly or practical.”
— Maurice Obstfeld, Class of 1958 Professor of Economics
at the University of California, Berkeley
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IMF Economic Review

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