How can corporations adopt Confucianism in business practices? Two representative cases

Date01 October 2020
AuthorShih‐Ching Liu
Published date01 October 2020
| Business Ethics: A Eur Rev. 2020;29:796–809.© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Ethics is one of the ol dest scholarly topic s and includes the Wester n
theories of Util itarianism, D eontology, and Vi rtue Ethics , and the
Eastern theo ries of Confucia nism, Buddhism , and Daoism. They
are concerned wi th discussing right and wrong , cultivating personal
morality, and und erstandi ng the meaning of lif e. Integrating et h-
ical theorie s into firms requi res a variety of lo gical consider ations
(Ip, 2009a) .
Crane and Mat ten (2012, pp. 116–117) argue that there are
some limitations to applying ethics to business practices. These lim-
itations inclu de: (a) managers fin ding ethical t heories too abs tract
to apply to daily bu siness problem s (Stark, 1994); (b) each ty pe of
ethics empha sizes a certain orientatio n, and corporations find i t ex-
tremely challenging to adopt only one orientation when making de-
cisions (Kaler, 1999); (c) only ethi cists completely und erstand ethical
systems, whereas ordinary business people find it extremely chal-
lenging betwe en right and wrong decisions bas ed on ethical theory
(Parker, 1998); (d) ethical the ories focus only o n abstract principles
and overlook ind ividual bonds and relati onships (Gilligan, 1982); and
(e) moral autonomy de nigrates the import ance of moral feelings and
emotions (Bauman, 1993).
Despite these uncertainties and challenges, some research-
ers argue that i t is possible to appl y ethics to busin ess practice s.
Fryer (2016) demonst rates that the fu nction of ethic s is specula-
tive and leads bu siness people to think from di fferent perspective s.
Another per spective is to inc rease moral ima gination to raise e thi-
cal awareness (Werhane, 2008). Additionally, ethics provides ethi-
cal reflect ion for decision makers and can b e applied systematicall y
(Cafferk y, 2015). For example, Don aldson and Dunfe e (1994) apply
the Contractarian approach to respond cross-cultural ethical issues
in business, an d Bowie (2001) construct s a Kantian approach in the
business ethic s system. Subsequent ly, Tajalli and Segal (2019) adopt
Nihilism to re-evaluate of values for re-imagining business ethics.
Based on these wo rks, it is eviden t that ethics ca n be applied
to business pra ctices. However, ethic s in the West are mor e sys-
tematic; whereas Eastern ethics mostly emphasize individual cultiva-
tion and self-discip line (Fung, 2015, p. 10). Crane and Mat ten (2012,
p. 117) argue that Western e thics is more suit able for busine ss
people, and th at Eastern ethics has rarely b een applied to business
Received: 24 June 20 19 
  Revised: 1 April 2 020 
  Accepted: 16 April 20 20
DOI: 10 .1111/bee r.12287
How can corporations adopt Confucianism in business
practices? Two representative cases
Shih-Ching Liu
Sinyi School , College of Commerce , National
Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiw an
Shih-Ching Liu, Sinyi School, College of
Commerce, National Chengchi University,
64, Sec. 2, Z hi-Nan Road, Taipei 11605,
Ethics is one of the oldes t scholarly topics, whet her in Eastern Confucianism , Daoism,
and Buddhism, or Weste rn Deontology, Utilita rianism, and Vir tue Theory, among
others. Traditional ethi cs focuses on providin g guidelines for behav ior at a personal
level. However, business ethics fo cuses more on corpor ations, with related s tudies
addressing why corpo rations should pra ctice social respo nsibility and embe d ethics
in business prac tices. Applying ethics to firms re quires a variety of considerations in
many areas. This is espe cially the case in Conf ucianism, which emp hasizes self-cul-
tivation, self-reflect ion, and self-discipline. T his study investigate s two modern rep-
resentative case s of Confucian firms and observes how t hey integrate Confucianism
into their business pr actices. It find s that despite the preva lence of a complex en-
vironment, Confu cianism can still be a dopted by them if they use cer tain method s.
Besides, we also ide ntify the common outcomes acro ss these companies. These fi nd-
ings provide a referen ce for companies that want to in corporate Confucia nism in
their operations.

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