General duties

AuthorInternational Labour Organization
3. General duties
3.1. Cooperation
3.1.1. This code recognizes that an effective safety and health system requires joint
commitment between the competent authority, employers, workers and their
representatives. The parties should cooperate in a constructive manner to ensure that the
objectives of this code of practice are achieved.
3.1.2. Measures for cooperation should be taken relating to the elimination or control
of hazards or risks to safety and health from the production of iron and steel. These
measures should include the following:
(i) employers, in discharging their responsibilities, should cooperate as closely as
possible with workers and/or their representatives;
(ii) workers should cooperate as closely as possible with their fellow workers and their
employers in the discharge by the employers of their responsibilities, and should
comply with all prescribed procedures and practices;
(iii) suppliers should provide employers with all necessary information as is available and
required for the evaluation of any unusual hazards or risks to safety and health that
might result from a particular hazardous factor in the production of iron and steel.
3.2. Competent authority
3.2.1. The competent authority should, in the light of national conditions and practice
and the provisions of this code, in consultation with the most representative organizations
of employers and workers concerned:
(i) devise and maintain a national policy on OSH; and
(ii) consider making new, or updating existing, statutory provisions for eliminating or
controlling hazards in the production of iron and steel.
3.2.2. Statutory provisions should include regulations, approved codes of practice,
exposure limits and procedures for consultation and dissemination of information.
3.2.3. The competent authority should establish:
(i) systems, including criteria, for classifying substances that may be hazardous to health,
i.e. raw materials, intermediary products, final products and by-products that are used
and produced in the production of iron and steel;
(ii) systems and criteria for assessing the relevance of the information required to
determine whether one of the substances listed above is hazardous;
(iii) requirements for marking and labelling substances provided for use in the production
of iron and steel, taking into account the need to harmonize such systems

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