General conclusions

AuthorRodolfo Gutiérrez Silva
ProfessionPhD (Candidate) in Law, University of Hamburg, Germany
General conclusions
he objective of this research was to evaluate the dierent challenges and op-
portunities that states have in the protection of the right to health while main-
taining at the same time a fair balanced system of checks and balances. e study
was intended to uncover in what type of contexts judicial activism could make a
substantial contribution to the protection of the right to health.
e cases studied show us several elements that when combined and compared were
able to reveal a picture of dierent structural patterns aecting the protection of the
right to health and the role that courts have in protecting it. To begin with, from the
perspective of Social Policy it can be seen that there is a dynamic tendency originated
by dierent forces to move the welfare systems of the studied countries very slowly
towards the cluster of the liberal welfare state. According to Esping-Andersen (1990,
p. 27) the liberal welfare state is a cluster where “e state encourages the market,
either passively - by guaranteeing only the minimum - or actively by subsidising pri-
vate welfare schemes” and its main characteristic is the minimising of benets granted
by the state and social exclusion that is based on stigma. Indeed, already well-known
factors such as the economic and migratory crisis have forced countries such as Spain
and Italy to make cuts and impose limitations in their health systems characterised
by Beveridge’s universalist elements and in this way to rethink who can be a bene-
ciary or a right holder in their welfare systems. What is interesting in the analysis is
that these measures are being adopted by new populist governments, either from the
extreme right or the left, which are reacting to a series of structural dysfunctions that
are occurring at this stage of globalisation.
e austerity measures in Italy, adopted earlier, did little to lift the country out of
the economic growth crisis. Poverty, migrational crisis and distrust with the previ-
ous government led to several opposition groups coming together to confront the
government, promising to get out of the crisis. In this way, a new far-right populist
government was consolidated, which has proposed carrying out an entire immigration
reform in the country, a factor that they consider is seriously aecting the welfare

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