From Vienna to the WTO

AuthorHarold James
September 2018 | FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT 59
From Vienna
to the WTO
the go-to moniker for every-
thing that went wrong in the late 20 th century and
the new millennium. Of ten a term of abuse, it is a
synonym for a crassly materia listic and supercia l
belief in the inherent superiority of market s. Its stan-
dard bearers were British Prime M inister Margaret
atcher and US President Ronald Reagan.
Today many prominent gures, such as Charles
Moore (atcher’s ocial biographer), Oliver
Letwin (a British Conser vative intellectua l), and
the writer David Frum cry mea cu lpa and complain
that greater home ownership has produced more
debt than securit y and that exible labor markets
are a threat rather th an an opportunity.
Slobodian aims in h is latest book to trace an
intellectual hi story from the Habsburg Empire
and the glittering intellectual cultu re of Vienna
to the World Trade Organizat ion. He argues that
the eventually domina nt vision of economic order
cared less about libert y and laissez faire and the
legacy of Adam Smith t han about protection of
property again st radical politica l demands that
followed from both socialism a nd nationalism.
e book is less interested in the na ncial infra-
structure of global ization than in t he makings
of today’s trade regime. Some delightful insights
show how many modern views of globaliz ation—
threatened by tari wa lls, vulnerable to a spiral
of declining trade —originated in Vienna. Cl ive
Morrison-Bell, at the Vienna Chamber of Commerce,
built a physical model of Europe with wooden tar i
walls; Oska r Morgenstern, at the Vienna Institute
for Business Cycle Research, graphic ally depicted
the shrinkin g world trade of the Great Depression.
Slobodian places his genea logy above that of
the Virginia (public choice) and Chicago (mone-
tarism and deregu lation) schools. e key players
in the new story—Friedrich Hayek a nd Wilhelm
Röpkes—were reacting to t hree shocks: World
War I, the Great Depression, and decolonization.
In response, these intellect ual pioneers turned
to international institutions to provide a regime
that guara nteed property rights and international
division of labor based on stability. e original
candidate for the gua rantor of a supranational
non-territorial was the International C hamber
of Commerce, then subsequently the Leag ue
of Nations.
Slobodian’s heroes of neoliberalism viewed this
order as a necessary balancing of the politica l
business of democratization. Without limits,
democracy might make too many (unfulllable)
promises. Domestic constitutional order could be
a constraint, but that order would be more secure
if anchored in an international leg al framework.
Slobodian has produced a deep a nd interesting
book, though perhaps not deep enough. He pro-
poses that his heroes a re defending property just
to protect the status quo. But that interpretation
is not convincing: the interwa r fathers of modern
neoliberalism were responding to a 1930s world
of arbitrary consc ation of property—often based
on national, racial, or religious identity— that was
an intrinsic part of ma rginalization, dehumani za-
tion, and ultimately destruction. eir analysis
cannot be used to object to tax ation, even high
and progressive taxat ion, as long as it is equally
and impartia lly applied. e defense of property
was a part of, and emanated f rom, deeper concern
with the protection of human dignity.
HAROLD JAMES, historian, Princeton University and IMF
Quinn Slobodian
Globalists: The End of
Empire and the Birth of
Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, MA, 2018, 381 pp., $35
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