AuthorShenghao Zhu
Date01 August 2020
Published date01 August 2020
Vol. 61, No. 3, August 2020 DOI: 10.1111/iere.12451
University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
In this article, I first study an income fluctuation problem with endogenous labor supply. Let βbe the agent’s
time discount factor and R>0 be the constant gross rate of return on assets. For βR=1, I show that the agent’s
wealth either approaches infinity almost surely or converges to a finite level almost surely. For βR<1, I prove
the existence, uniqueness, and stability of the stationary distribution of state variables. I then show the existence
of the stationary general equilibrium in an incomplete-market model with endogenous labor supply.
The aim of this article is to show the existence of the stationary general equilibrium in an
incomplete-market model with endogenous labor supply. There is a continuum of households
with measure 1 in the economy. Households have uninsurable idiosyncratic labor efficiency
shocks. Each household faces an income fluctuation problem with endogenous labor supply.
The labor efficiency shock follows a Markov chain along time and is independent and identically
distributed (i.i.d.) across households.
Aiyagari and McGrattan (1998) use an incomplete-market heterogeneous agents model with
endogenous labor supply to study the optimum quantity of government debt. Marcet et al.
(2007) show that incomplete insurance to idiosyncratic employment shocks introduce an ex
post wealth effect, which reduces labor supply. The ex post wealth effect on labor supply runs
counter to the precautionary savings motive.2These articles did not show the existence of the
stationary general equilibrium. This article fills this gap.
I first study an income fluctuation problem with endogenous labor supply. Let βbe the agent’s
time discount factor and R>0 be the constant gross rate of return on assets. The net rate of
return is r=R1. For βR=1, I show that the agent’s wealth either approaches infinity almost
surely or converges to a finite level almost surely as t→∞. If wealth converges to a finite level
almost surely, then the agent’s labor supply approaches zero almost surely as t→∞. As long as
the agent does not stop working, income shocks always exist. Precautionary savings cause wealth
accumulation to eventually reach infinity. If the agent stops working due to the income effect,
then wealth accumulation stops. Moreover, there exists upper bounds of wealth accumulation.
This general result holds as long as both consumption and leisure are normal goods. Therefore, I
extend the well-known result of Chamberlain and Wilson (2000) to situations with endogenous
labor supply.
Manuscript received January 2017; revised October 2019.
1I would like to thank Jushan Bai, Jess Benhabib, Alberto Bisin, Greg Kaplan, Sydney Ludvigson, Yulei Luo,
Albert Marcet, Efe Ok, Thomas Sargent, Yeneng Sun, Rangarajan Sundaram, John Stachurski, Gianluca Violante,
Philippe Weil, Bin Wu, and Charles Wilson for their comments and suggestions. I acknowledge the financial support
from National Natural Science Foundation of China (71873034) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities in UIBE (CXTD10-01). Please address correspondence to: Shenghao Zhu, School of International Trade,
and Economics, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China. E-mail: zhushenghao@yahoo.com.
2In their numerical examples, the wealth effect often dominates the precautionary saving effects. Thus, the output
and savings in incomplete markets are lower than those in complete markets.
(2020) by the Economics Department of the University of Pennsylvania and the Osaka University Institute of Social
and Economic Research Association
1116 ZHU
I find sufficient conditions guaranteeing that wealth accumulation has upper bounds for
cases of βR=1 and βR<1. I also find that the ratio between marginal utility functions of
consumption in different shock states plays an important role in determining precautionary
savings. To confine this ratio, we can always obtain a lower bound of the consumption policy
function for βR<1 in a model with endogenous labor supply. Recent works by Acikg ¨
oz (2018)
and Stachurski and Toda (2019) find the lower bound of the consumption policy function for
βR<1 in models with exogenous labor supply. I provide a general framework to investigate
income fluctuation problems with exogenous labor supply and with endogenous labor supply.
The unified framework brings us more insight into research on incomplete-market models.
I prove the existence, uniqueness, and stability of the stationary distribution of state variables
for βR<1.3Aiyagari (1993), Huggett (1993), and Marcet et al. (2007) employ the monotone-
Markov-process method of Hopenhayn and Prescott (1992) to show this. Kamihigashi and
Stachurski (2014) extend this method to the unbounded state space. In contrast, I use a new
method to show the existence, uniqueness, and stability of the stationary distribution, and I do
not need the monotonicity assumption of the Markov chain. The crucial observation is that the
lower bound of the state space for βR<1 is an accessible atom. Starting from any asset level,
the state variables have positive probability to hit the lower bound in finitely many periods. That
the borrowing constraint is binding infinitely often in an income fluctuation problem implies that
the lower bound of the state space is an accessible atom. The new result highlights the impact
of borrowing constraints and precautionary savings on the stationary wealth distribution.
To show the existence of the stationary equilibrium, I find the intersection of the “supply”
and “demand” curves for the capital–labor ratio in the economy. The aggregate capital supply
is the total wealth of households in the stationary distribution of state variables. The aggregate
labor supply is the total labor supply in the stationary distribution. The “supply” curve for the
capital–labor ratio is the ratio of the aggregate capital supply to the aggregate labor supply. I
show that the “supply” curve is a continuous function of the interest rate rand tends to infinity
as rapproaches ¯r=1
β1 from below. However, the infinity limit could be due to infinite wealth
accumulation or zero labor supply. From the firm’s profit-maximization problem the “demand”
curve for the ratio is derived, which approaches infinity as rtends to δ. Following Aiyagari
(1994), I show the existence of the stationary equilibrium by finding the intersection of these
two continuous curves. Simply replacing capital by the capital–labor ratio, I extend the idea of
Aiyagari (1994) to models with endogenous labor supply. Thus I provide a general framework to
show the existence of the stationary equilibrium in incomplete-market models with exogenous
labor supply and with endogenous labor supply.
My existence proof of the stationary equilibrium also provides new insight into income
fluctuation problems. If the agent’s wealth approaches infinity almost surely as t→∞for the
case of βR=1, then the aggregate capital supply converges to infinity as r¯r. If the agent’s
wealth converges to a finite level almost surely as t→∞for the case of βR=1, then aggregate
labor supply approaches zero as r¯r. These limit results are due to the continuity of optimal
policy functions with respect to parameters, including interest rate r.
After I weaken the monotonicity of the Markov chain shocks, these results are more appli-
cable in simulation exercises. My existence proof of the stationary equilibrium also shows that
a bisection algorithm can find a stationary general equilibrium. Therefore, my article offers
guidance to simulation works on incomplete-market models with endogenous labor supply.
Using the concept of “tightness” of a collection of probability measures, I provide a new
probability-limit-theory tool, which extends the frequently used Theorem 12.13 by Stokey and
Lucas (1989), to investigate the parametric continuity of stationary distributions. Specifically,
I use tightness to replace compactness in the previous famous theorem. Therefore, I relax
the assumption and extend the application scope of the theorem. Equipped with this new
tool, I investigate how stationary distributions move when model parameters change and find
3The stability here means that, starting from any initial distribution of state variables, the stochastic process converges
to the unique stationary distribution.

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