Example of a model risk assessment tool

Annex V
Example of a model risk assessment tool
There are numerous ways for risks to be assessed and there
are no fixed rules concerning how a risk assessment should be car-
ried out or recorded. The following represents only one method
that is simple and easy to administer.
Step 1 The first step involves the initial identification of hazards.
It should be carried out for all locations on the ship and
within the shipbreaking facility. Hazards identified should
be listed according to the work environment or processes
to be carried out and records should be kept of each
Step 2 A list of the hazards should be circulated to those who are
responsible for the location/work processes.
Step 3 The third step involves the assignment of the risk ratings
to those hazards (using the scale and formulas contained
on the accompanying model form). A common system
should be adopted for universal use in the facility.
Step 4 The methods/action to prevent or reduce the risk should
be decided on, recorded and then implemented.
Step 5 The final review stage involves the reassessment of the
hazard as necessary or if there is any change in the pro-
cess, techniques/tools used, organization or other element
that can affect the assessment.
Annex V

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