Enforcing Copyright Infringements Online: In Search of Balanced Private International Law Rules

AuthorRita Matulionyte
PositionDr., LL.M., lecturer at the University of Newcastle (Australia); associated research fellow at he Law Institute of Lithuania
Rita Matulionyte
Enforcing Copyright Infringements Online
In Search of Balanced Private International Law Rules
by Rita Matulionyte, Dr., LL.M., lecturer at the University of Newcastle (Australia); associated research fellow at
the Law Institute of Lithuania
© 2015 Rita Matulionyte
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Recommended citation: Rit a Matulionyte, Enforcing Copyright Inf ringements Online:In Search o f Balanced Private
International Law Rules, 6 (2 015) JIPITEC 132, para 1.
Keywords: Copyright Enforcement; Targeting Doctrinde; Copyright Violations; Lex Loci Protectionis
the Pinckney and Hejduk cases and argues that the
“access approach” that the Court adopted for solving
jurisdiction questions could be quite reasonable if it
is applied with additional legal measures at the level
of substantive law, such as the targeting doctrine.
Secondly, the article explores the alternatives to the
currently established lex loci protectionis rule that
would enable right holders to get EU-wide remedies
under a single applicable law. In particular, the
analysis focuses on the special applicable law rule for
ubiquitous copyright infringements, as suggested by
the CLIP Group, and other international proposals.
Abstract: Enforcement of copyright online
and fighting online “piracy” is a high priority on the
EU agenda. Private international law questions
have recently become some of the most challenging
issues in this area. Internet service providers
are still uncertain how the Brussels I Regulation
(Recast) provisions would apply in EU-wide copyright
infringement cases and in which country they can
be sued for copyright violations. Meanwhile, because
of the territorial approach that still underlies EU
copyright law, right holders are unable to acquire
EU-wide relief for copyright infringements online.
This article first discusses the recent CJEU rulings in
A. Introduction: IP, PIL
and the Internet
With the emergence of the Internet, the
enforcement of cross-border intellectual property
(IP) infringements has become highly relevant,
especially in the area of copyright law. With the
prevalence of online copyright “piracy”, the efcient
enforcement of copyright has proven to be an
especially challenging task for both the legislators1
and the courts.2 Private international law (PIL)
issues raise some of the most difcult questions
in this area. First, it is necessary to decide which
court has jurisdiction in EU-wide (and worldwide)
copyright infringement cases online. Secondly, once
the court jurisdiction is established, one needs to
determine which law the court has to apply when
establishing EU-wide infringement and granting EU-
wide remedies. The currently applicable EU Brussels
I Regulation (Recast) allows infringers to be sued
either in the place of the defendant’s domicile or in
the place of the harmful event.
However, it does not
specify where the “harmful event” is supposed to
occur when copyright infringement is taking place
online. With regard to the applicable law, the EU
Rome II Regulation subjects copyright infringement
to the law of the country “for which protection is
This so called “lex loci protectionis” rule
means that national copyright law applies only
in respect of infringement occurring inside the
territory of a particular state. Therefore in order to
get EU-wide remedies, the copyright laws of each
EU Member State (currently, 28 such laws) would
need to be applied.
The CJEU has recently claried some of the PIL
issues relevant to cases of copyright infringement

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