Measures to reduce alcohol- and drug-related problems through good employment practices

4. Measures to reduce alcohol- and drug-related problems
through good employment practices
4.1. Identification of working environment problems
4.1.1. Where it is indicated that certain job situations may contribute to alcohol-
and drug-related problems, employers, in cooperation with workers and their
representatives, should do what is reasonably practicable to identify and take appropriate
preventive or remedial action. (See Appendix II.)
4.2. Corporate practices
4.2.1. Employers should not formally or informally support behaviour which
incites, encourages or otherwise facilitates the harmful use of alcohol or the abuse of
drugs on the premises.
4.2.2. Workers and their representatives should not formally or informally
support behaviour which incites, encourages or otherwise facilitates the harmful use of
alcohol or the abuse of drugs on the premises.
4.3. Job placement of rehabilitated workers
4.3.1. When a worker voluntarily discloses a previous history of alcohol- or drug-
related problems to the employer, the employer should, where reasonably practicable,
avoid exposing the rehabilitated individual to a working situation similar to that which,
in the past, may have led to such problems.

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