Documentary fraud as seen by the documentary fraud bureau of the direction de la police aux frontieres part ii

AuthorFlorin Mateas
PositionLaw and Economics Faculty, Social Sciences Department Agora University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences,
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 1 (2015), pp. 39-48
Part II
F. Mateaș
Florian Mateaş
Law and Economics Faculty, Social Sciences Department
Agora University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania
*Correspondence: Florian Mateaş, Agora University of Oradea, 8 Piaţa Tineretului St.,
Oradea, Romania
E- mail:
Today, we are witnessing a globalisation and intensification which is unprecedented in
the history of migratory flows in our country. These flows are now of a very complex nature
as placed under criminal rule.
With this level of organisation, we are not just trying to counter illegal immigration,
but fighting against criminality. In this respect, the use of forged documents or documentary
fraud in general is a great boon to the activities of the clandestine networks and constitutes
an excellent means of introducing illegal immigrants into Western countries.
Keywords : migratory flows, documentary fraud, illegal immigration pathways
The scale of documentary fraud
The use of statistics concerning documentary fraud has allowed us to discern certain
trends for the first half of 2014, particular concerning:
- the types of documents which are most commonly falsified and forged;
- the type of fraud observed;
- the geographical areas in our territory which are most sensitive in this respect;
- the most common issuing countries and the nationalities of the holders.
Ranking by nationality of the holder.
The activism and efficacy of the Chinese networks should be underlined. Despite the
fact that a great many of them are in transit towards English-speaking countries, there is
substantial use of falsified French documents.
Chinese from the PRC (512 documents, of which 190 French)
Algerians (456 documents seized, of which 234 French),
Sri Lankans (319 documents, of which 20 French),
Moroccans (271 documents, of which 40 French),
Nigerians (198 of which 7 French),
Senegalese (187, of which 40 French),
Ivory Coast nationals (174, of which 62 French)
Somalians (141, of which 23 French).
Ranking by issuing country
On the basis of this data (2014) concerning the nationality of the bearer, a second
quantitative ranking makes it possible to draw up a list of the issuing countries of documents
use, including French documents in particular. Although the fact that the Algerians are at the
top of this list by geographical origin of falsified documents is not really a surprise, it is worth
noting the positions of the Nigerians, and the Sri Lankans in third position before the

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