AuthorChiu Yu Ko,Duozhe Li
Date01 August 2020
Published date01 August 2020
Vol. 61, No. 3, August 2020 DOI: 10.1111/iere.12452
Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, Chinese University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong; Department of Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
We study a one-to-many bargaining model in which one active player bargains with every passive player on
how to share the surplus of a joint project. The order of bargaining is not fixed and the active player decides
whom to bargain with in each period. Our model admits a rich set of equilibria and we identify the upper and
lower bounds of equilibrium payoffs. We also examine whether two natural ordering protocols often assumed
in existing studies can sustain endogenously. Although the queuing protocol may indeed arise in an equilibrium,
the rotating protocol is in general not self-enforcing.
We study the bargaining process that occurs between one active player and multiple passive
players regarding how to share the surplus of a joint project, which requires the cooperation
of all parties. Relevant real-life situations include a real-estate developer buying pieces of land
from multiple owners (Cai, 2000, 2003; Xiao, 2018), an employer trying to reach deals with
several labor unions (Horn and Wolinsky, 1988b; Stole and Zwiebel, 1996), and a downstream
firm acquiring inputs from several upstream firms (Horn and Wolinsky, 1988a). A common
feature of these situations is that the active player has to reach agreements with all of the
passive players, who do not bargain with one another.
Such one-to-many bargaining situations have been extensively studied. Existing studies usu-
ally assume an exogenously fixed bargaining protocol: (1) bargaining consists of consecutive
sessions; (2) in each session, the active player bargains with one of the passive players; and (3)
the ordering of bargaining sessions and the duration (i.e., offers and counteroffers allowed) of
each session are exogenously fixed. A crucial element of a bargaining protocol is its ordering
protocol for determining which passive player to bargain with the active player in each ses-
sion. In the literature, two natural ordering protocols are most commonly assumed, namely,
the queuing protocol (e.g., Stole and Zwiebel, 1996) and the rotating protocol (e.g., Horn and
Wolinsky, 1988b; Cai, 2000, 2003). In the queuing protocol, passive players form a queue. The
active player starts with the first passive player in the queue and does not switch to the next
without reaching an agreement. In the rotating protocol, passive players form a ring. After each
bargaining session, the active player switches to the next regardless of whether an agreement
has been reached.
In reality, although we may sometimes observe fixed ordering protocols in centralized negoti-
ations, for example, the accession negotiation of international organizations, such as the World
Manuscript received January 2018; revised March 2019.
1We thank the coeditor and three anonymous referees for their insightful comments and constructive suggestions. We
are also grateful to Hongbin Cai, Shinsuke Kambe, Jihong Lee, George Mailath, Martin Osborne, Satoru Takahashi,
Quan Wen, and many others for helpful discussions at different stages of this work. Chiu Yu Ko acknowledges
the financial support from Singapore Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 1 FY2017-FRC2-012.
Duozhe Li acknowledges the financial support from Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Fund
(Project No. CUHK492013). Please address correspondence to: Duozhe Li, Department of Economics, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong. Phone: +852 3943 8183, Fax: +852 2603 5805. E-mail:
(2020) by the Economics Department of the University of Pennsylvania and the Osaka University Institute of Social
and Economic Research Association
1140 KO AND LI
Trade Organization and the European Union, there are also many decentralized one-to-many
bargaining situations without fixed protocols. Consider the situation in which the representative
of a real-estate developer can visit one landowner each day. If she does not reach a deal with
the one she visits, she is not obliged to return the next day, nor is she obliged to visit a different
one. It is rather her own choice, which may well be strategic. When analyzing such decentralized
bargaining situations, if we were to assume a specific ordering protocol, we must at least ensure
that it is self-enforcing. That is, the players have no incentive to deviate from it. Alternatively,
we can study a model with endogenously determined order of bargaining, and then investigate
whether any ordering protocol can arise in an equilibrium.
We develop a model of decentralized one-to-many bargaining. In each bargaining period, the
active player first decides which passive player to bargain with. Then, either the active player
or the chosen passive player is randomly selected to make a proposal and the other responds.
A binding agreement is reached if the proposal is accepted. If no agreement is reached in the
current period, the active player can either continue to bargain with the same passive player
or switch to any other player in the following period. Immediately after the active player
reaches agreements with all of the passive players, the joint project is implemented and each
player receives his or her agreed-upon share of the surplus.1In our model, passive players are
heterogeneous in terms of bargaining power, which is determined by two factors: the payoff
discount factor and the probability of being chosen as the proposer.
We aim to achieve two goals in our analysis. The first goal is to identify the upper and lower
bounds of each player’s equilibrium payoff in the limit in which the players become infinitely
patient. It provides the range of outcomes that one can expect from a decentralized one-to-many
bargaining situation. The second goal is to investigate whether queuing and rotating protocols
are self-enforcing, that is, whether they can arise as a part of the active player’s equilibrium
strategy. The conclusion here has important implications for whether an assumption on ordering
protocol for a specific bargaining situation is justifiable.
We characterize subgame perfect equilibria satisfying a weak condition of refinement. Our
bargaining game admits a rich set of equilibria. In her worst equilibrium, the active player adopts
a queuing protocol as a part of her strategy, whereas the first passive player in the queue receives
his highest equilibrium payoff. Meanwhile, any ordering of passive players can be sustained in
an equilibrium with a queuing protocol. However, a queuing protocol leads to a highly unequal
equilibrium division. In the symmetric case in which all players are equally patient and have
the same proposing probability, the first passive player receives one half of the surplus, the next
one receives one half of the remaining half, and so forth.
In contrast, a rotating protocol leads to a much more plausible equilibrium division. In the
symmetric case, it leads to an equal division of the surplus among all of the players. This
may explain why the rotating protocol is often assumed in existing studies. However, we find
that in generic situations, the rotating protocol is not self-enforcing. More precisely, if and
only if all of the passive players are equally patient, our model admits equilibria with rotating
protocols. Note that the asymmetry of proposing probabilities plays no role here. Therefore,
although the proposing probability and the discount factor together determine the players’
relative bargaining powers, there are subtle differences between the two factors.
Next, we construct a class of divide-and-conquer equilibria in which the active player pits one
passive player against the others. The active player obtains her highest payoff in a divide-and-
conquer equilibrium, whereas all but one of the passive players receive their lowest equilibrium
payoffs, which converge to 0 as the discount factors tend to 1.
We also characterize the unique Markov equilibrium. When all of the passive players are
equally patient, in the Markov equilibrium, the active player always randomizes with equal
probability when choosing a bargaining opponent. The payoff vector of the Markov equilibrium
converges to the same limit as that of any equilibrium with a rotating protocol.
1Henceforth, the active player is referred to as “she” and a passive player is referred to as “he.”
It is assumed in our main analysis that after reaching a bilateral agreement, the two players
sign a contingent contract, by which the passive player receives his payoff after the project is
implemented. There are many real-life situations in which only cash-offer contracts are feasible.
Hence, we also consider a modified model in which any bilateral agreement is enforced through
an immediate cash payment. We again obtain a class of equilibria with queuing protocols, but
in this case, every passive player prefers to be the last to reach an agreement, in contrast to the
case with contingent contracts. Again, the rotating protocol is not self-enforcing. A new finding
here is that an impasse (i.e., perpetual disagreement) may arise in an equilibrium when there
are at least three passive players.
Related Literature. The one-to-many bargaining game is a natural extension of the classic
bilateral bargaining game in Rubinstein (1982). It has been incorporated into models in various
contexts. Many authors have assumed a fixed ordering protocol. Horn and Wolinsky (1988b)
assume a rotating protocol in the wage negotiation between a firm and two groups of workers.
In their seminal paper on intrafirm bargaining, Stole and Zwiebel (1996) propose a bargaining
game (henceforth, the SZ game) with a queuing protocol to support the Shapley value of
the corresponding coalitional game in an equilibrium.2Westermark (2003) assumes a random-
matching protocol in a similar intrafirm bargaining model. In each period, the firm bargains with
one worker that is determined by a fixed randomization process. In equilibrium each worker
receives only a share of his marginal product, instead of a share of the average marginal product,
as specified by the Shapley value.
De Fontenay and Gans (2014) study a class of pairwise bargaining games with imperfect
information, that is, each binding bilateral agreement is only observed by the two involved
parties. By imposing a reasonable restriction on the off-equilibrium beliefs (namely, passive
beliefs), they obtain a unique perfect Bayesian equilibrium generating the Myerson–Shapley
value. Under the same belief restriction, the equilibrium payoff of the imperfect-information
version of the SZ game coincides with the Shapley value. Br ¨
ugemann et al. (2019) show that
the Shapley value cannot be sustained as an equilibrium outcome of the perfect-information
version of the SZ game and they propose a bargaining game with perfect information and
a rotating protocol to achieve that goal. In this article, we also study a perfect-information
bargaining game.
Cai (2000) studies a one-to-many bargaining problem with a fixed rotating protocol and cash-
offer contracts. An important message of his paper is that inefficient stationary equilibria may
arise in a complete information setting.3More specifically, although bargaining order is fixed in
his model, the order of reaching bilateral agreements is endogenously determined. Hence, delay
occurs when the two orders are different. Without a fixed ordering protocol, our model does
not admit inefficient stationary equilibria, with either contingent or cash-offer contracts. Cai
(2003) obtains similar results in a model with contingent contracts; however, one should note
the subtle detail that the session protocol, alternating offers with the firm making the last offer
in each session, is the crucial element of this model generating inefficient stationary equilibria.4
This leads to another question whether and how session protocol should also be endogenized.
We will briefly discuss it in Section 6.
A number of studies have attempted to endogenize bargaining order in various settings. Noe
and Wang (2004) consider the negotiation between one buyer and two sellers and investigate
2Two crucial differences between our model and that of Stole and Zwiebel (1996) should be noted. First, they consider
a more general value structure, in which the firm can settle by reaching agreements with a subset of workers. We study
a pure bargaining problem, which requires the active player to reach agreements with all of the passive players. Second,
they assume nonbinding bilateral agreements and thus allow renegotiation, whereas we assume binding agreements. In
Section5, we discuss the extension to nonbindingagreements.
3Although many other papers have obtained inefficient equilibria in various bargaining games with complete in-
formation, their inefficient equilibria are usually sustained by credible punishment schemes as in the repeated game
literature, and thus are highly nonstationary (e.g., Haller and Holden, 1990; Fernandez and Glazer, 1991; Busch and
Wen, 1995).
4If the session protocol in Cai (2003) is changed to the one with random proposer as that in our model, there will be
a unique efficient equilibrium even under a fixed orderingprotocol.

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