Consumption of narcotics in the christian conception

AuthorNicoleta-Elena Buzatu
PositionLecturer, Ph.D Candidate Law School, University of Bucharest, 'Dimitrie Cantemir' Christian University, Bucharest, Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Sciences, Departament of Public Administration
Nicoleta-Elena Buzatu
The traffic and the consumption of narcotics has become a world -wide problem. This ph enomenon has
disastrous consequences not only from the point of view of public health but a lso because it under mines the very
social evolution, nourishing cor ruption the organized crime.
Key words: nar cotics, consumption, flagellum, fight, prevention.
The consumption of narcotics a ppeared since man has been cr eated to be a ra tional being. The
complexity of changes tha t took place in the sur rounding world - climate, fauna , flora , natur al cata strophes, etc
- have deter mined man to find out a nswers able to explain his curiosity.
1 His living within a hostile environment
made man lo ok for a way of surviving in an unknown world; thus this aspect of his life became on e of his most
important pr eoccupations.
While administrated correc tly and ra tionally, narcotics have ha d been and still ar e benefic for
medicine. Yet, unfortunately, they started to be abusively used and, in the cour se of time, they have turned out to
be a serio us danger for humanity, a rea l social disaster.2
Fighting against the illicit traffic and narcotics consumption was and still is a complex and seriou s
problem at b oth national and international level. The ways this phenomenon acts, the consequences it produces
as well as the means of eradicating it are top topics of interest for the states’ authorities and for the public
opinion, as it is a really dangerous and serious phenomenon encroaching the health of the population, the
economic and social stability and the good evolution of the states’ democratic institutions.
The analysis regarding the consumption of narcotics shows certain raising tendencies of this
phenomenon (increase in the number of users, drug-addicts, criminality, etc) which, if not be applied efficient
measures of fight and prevention, will lead to tragic social consequences, especiall y among the youth. It is hard
to establish the real size and pro portion of the narcotics consumption phenomenon; it is not only about Romania,
but also about other countries where this noxious phenomenon has taken alarming proportions with respect of
society. To be a narcotics user 3 means to take or to consume drugs; the ter m has att ached a new nuance to the
standard one, as been used to define the consumption in excess of toxic substances or of stupefacients.
A user in conformity with art 1 letter h) of Law no 143/20004 is the person who administers himself or
allows the others to illicitly administrate him narcotics either administrated by mouth, by smoki ng, by injection,
by snuffing or by other ways through the drug can reach within the body.
As stipulated in art 1 letter h1) of the same law,5 an addict is the one who after having been repeatedly
administrated narcotics - out of need or compulsorily - has physical or psychic consequences according to
medical and social criteria.
Various sources of information - ma ss-media included - constantly inform the public about the fact that,
at a planetary level, billions of peo ple have been the victims of the “white death” and that their number increases
yearly. This narcotics-consumption flagellum has unfortunately included the population of our countr y, as well.
Drugs-consumption extended at the level of the whole country, spreading among various walks of
society, who are using a large range of narcotics - from op ium, cannabis, cocaine, heroine, LSD and
amphetamine. The way of administration differs from a drug to another and from the effect the user expects to
have on him.
Lecturer, Ph.D Candidate Law Sc hool, University of B ucharest, ”Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest, Faculty of
Juridical and Administrative Sciences, Departament of Public Administration,
1 Filipaş, A. – Drept Penal român. Partea special, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2003, p. 180.
2 Rşcanu, R. – Dependen şi drog. Aspecte teoretice şi clinic ameliorative, Bucharest University Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008,
pp. 15. See also Rşcanu, R.; Zivari, M. – Psychology and Psychopathology in Drugs Addiction, Ars Docendi, Printing House Bucharest,
2002, pp. 15.
3 Sandu, F.; Ioni, G. I. – Criminologie teoretic şi practic, II-nd edition, Universul Juridic Printing House, Bucharest, 2008, p. 240.
4 Chapter I art. 1, letter h) was modified by art. I ¶ 2 of Law no. 522 of November 2004 for modifying and completion of Law no. 143/
2000 on the fight against illicit traffic and consumption of narcotics.Before this modification, the co ntext was the following: a ddict - is the
person who being physically and/ or psychically dependent of narcotics, is registered by one of the sanitary units appointed to this reason by
the Ministry of Health.”
5 Chapter I art. 1 letter h) of Law no. 143/ 2000 on fighting against the illicit traffic and consumption of narcotics was completed by art. I
¶ 3 of Law 522 of November 24, 2004 for the modification and completion of Law no. 143/2000 on the fight against the illicit traffic and
drugs consumption.

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