Considerations regarding the complex nature of judicial hearings preparation

AuthorGabriel Ion Olteanu
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www.juridicalj
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 3 (2013), pp. 120-127
G. I. Olteanu
Gabriel-Ion Olteanu
Faculty of Law, the Forensic Department,
Police Academy “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Bucharest, Romania
*Correspondence: Gabriel Ion Olteanu, Police Academy “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 1A Aleea
Privihetorilor St., Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.
The author takes over and develops a classic theme of the criminal discourse:
preparation for interrogation. By presenting the considerations related to less analysed
aspects of the doctrine and ignored by the Romanian investigators, the author brings to
attention a theme for meditation both necessary and profound – from adequate preparation of
the judicial hearing to the heard person’s scientific evolution and personal needs.
Keywords: Judicial hearing, judicial interview and interrogation, investigator,
suspect, hearing effectiveness
Practitioners say that two minutes of preparation can save several hours of
investigation. Although judicial hearings can take place outside a formal framework, proper
preparation is essential for the success of any hearing. In the street, at a person’s domicile, in
the offices of a multinational company or in the hearing room, the investigator’s performance
must be attentively prepared. He/she must not forget that he/she has specific objectives of the
investigation which must be carried on, that the investigated person has his/her own interests
and behavior and that nothing was ever easy to do within a criminal investigation. The
preparation of judicial hearings is not only complex but also compulsory. If the obligation
means to observe the previsions of legal norms and criminal tactics assimilated by the
professional environment, then when we speak of complexity, we must have in mind the
investigator’s active thinking. The investigator has to adjust himself/herself to each person
and case particularities. The simple application of patterns cannot bring the necessary
success in each investigator’s undertaking.
The preparation of hearing within judicial investigations means, in a classic approach,
to determine the issues which have to be settled within the hearing, the order in which the
evidence presented has to be used, the establishment of tactic procedures of hearing,
according to the data obtained regarding the accused or defendant’s psychology and
personality as well as the circumstances in which the crime was committed.
I consider that
here it is necessary to notice certain evolutions and, as a consequence, pay the necessary
attention to certain elements further described.
The hearing objectives – a person’s hearing results in obtaining an important amount
of information useful for the ongoing investigation development where it is highly important
that the investigator adequately evaluates the nature and importance of the information
C. Aionioaie, T. Butoi, Ascultarea învinuitului sau inculpatului, in Tratat de tactic criminalistic, “Carpai”
Printing House, Craiova, 1992, p. 91.

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