Conference Call for Papers

IMF Research Bulletin
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Conference Call for Papers “Exchange Rates and External Adjustment” Zurich, June 24–25, 2016
e Swiss National B ank (SNB), the Internationa l Monetary Fund (IMF), and t he IMF Economic Review are inviti ng paper submissions for a
conference on “Excha nge Rates and Externa l Adjustment” to be held at the Swi ss National Bank in Zu rich, June 24-25, 2016.
We are particul arly interested in papers t hat address the follow ing topics:
What is the impact of por tfolio choice on externa l rebalancing? Has t he recent rise in nanc ial fragmentation a ected the adjustment pro cess?
Has external adju stment changed in a world of high l iquidity? What wi ll be the impact of the nor malization of moneta ry policy on exter nal
balances? W hat eect does the wides pread global use of key cu rrencies have on the internat ional transmission of p olicy changes?
What impact do sovereig n risk and the sca l policy stance have on excha nge rates and externa l imbalances?
Modelling str uctural equi librium exchange rates , current accounts, net foreig n asset, and market s hares. Assessing e xternal imbala nces and
e macroeconomics of ext ernal adjustment: Wh at types of ows are asso ciated with changes i n current account bala nces? What is the role of
ocial ows for exte rnal adjustment? What is t he role played by scal polic y in the external adju stment process? How does the exch ange rate
regime interac t with the cross-borde r transmission of shock s through the na ncial account?
e microeconomics of ext ernal adjustment: what i s the role of ERPT, rm entry, and th e J-curve for trade ba lances? What are the mic roeco-
nomic determin ants of expenditure sw itching?
Please send submis sions in Adobe PDF format to: SNBIMF2016@IMF.ORG. Please a lso contact this ema il account if you are wi lling to parti ci-
pate as a discus sant. Selected papers w ill be considered for public ation in a special issu e of the IMF Economic Review. Along with your subm is-
sion, please indic ate whether you also want to cont ribute to this issue (also s ubmissions that are not bein g submitted to the IMF Ec onomic
Review are welcome).
Deadline for pap er submission: Februar y 15, 2016 (authors of accepted p apers will be infor med by March 15). Preference will be g iven to submis-
sions of nished pape rs. e conference will f und economy-class travel a nd local accommodati on for speakers and disc ussants.
IMF Economic Review
he IMF Economic Revie w (IMFER) is the ocial research journal of the Internat ional
Monetary Fund, bring ing you policy-relevant and innovative academic research on
global macroeconomics. e jour nal is essential reading for anyone interested in
questions related to global economic policies , open economy macroeconomics, and
international nance and tr ade.
Catch up on some of the mos t buzzed-about articl es this year
he IMF Economic Revie w is pleased to share three articles which made a pa rticular
splash in the socia l sphere during 2015. ese article s are free to read online th rough
January 30, 2016.
Have We Entered an Age of Secular Stagnation? IMF Fourteenth A nnual Research
Conference in Honor of Stanley Fischer, Washington, DC, Lawrence H. Sum mers
Will the U.S. and Europe Avoid a Lost Decade? L essons from Japan’s Postcrisis
Experienc e, Takeo Hoshi and Anil K . Kashyap
Beveridge Curve Shis ac ross Countries since the Great Recession, Bar t Hobijn and
Ayş egüL Şah in
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