Competence and training

14. Competence and training
14.1. General
14.1.1. The necessary OSH competence requirements
should be defined by the employer based on the provisions
of the national laws or regulations or, in the absence thereof,
in consultation with workers’ representatives. Appropriate
training arrangements should be established and maintained
to ensure that all persons are competent to perform the
safety and health aspects of their present or planned duties
and responsibilities.
14.1.2. The employer should have, or should have ac-
cess to, sufficient OSH competence to identify and eliminate
or control work-related hazards and risks, and to implement
the OSH management system. Specific training needs can be
identified from the initial and ongoing hazard identification
and risk assessment process.
14.1.3. Training programmes should:
(a) cover all members of the establishment, as appropriate;
(b) be conducted by competent persons;
(c) provide effective and timely initial and refresher train-
ing at appropriate intervals;
(d) include participants’ evaluation of their comprehension
and retention of the training;
(e) be reviewed periodically by the safety and health com-
mittee, where it exists, and modified as necessary;
(f) be documented.
14.1.4. The form and the content of training should be
devised and implemented in consultation with workers or

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