The classification of the civil contracts from the new civil code

AuthorPetru Tarchila
PositionUniversity, Arad - Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www.juridicalj
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 4 (2013), pp. 223-229
P. Tarchila
Petru Tarchila
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
“Aurel Vlaicu” University, Arad, Romania
*Correspondence: Petru Tarchila, 2 Elena Drgoi St., 310330, Arad, Romania
In this paper ,we are debating the problem of the relationship between the civil juristic
document and the contract .The civil juristic document was defined as ... „a manifestation of
will with the intention of producing juristic effects, meaning the birth, change and cancel of
an concrete civil juristic relation” or … “the manifestation of will occurred for the
realization of juristic effects materialized in the creation, the change, the transfer or the
canceling of an concrete civil juristic relation” ( Art.1166 C.civ.).
The contract was defined
in the doctrine as the agreement of a will between two or
more persons for the purpose of producing juristic effects, in other words giving birth,
changing, transferring or canceling juristic relations. The contract is the main form of the
juristic act, and the new civil code made the classification from more points of view
(art.1171-1177) in synallagmatic and unilateral contracts, contracts with onerous title and
contracts with costless title, contracts with immediate or successive fulfillment, named or no-
named contracts, consensual, solemn and real contracts, etc.
Keywords: the synallagmatic and unilateral contracts, contracts with onerous title
and contracts with costless title, contracts with immediate or successive fulfillment ,named or
no-named contracts, consensual, solemn and real contracts.
The contracts can be classified from more points of view. Each one of the
classifications made by the doctrine has a theoretical and practical interest. Most frequently,
the classification of a contract included in a certain category obligates the contract to
produce certain juristic consequences that are different from the ones that are created by the
contracts that belong to other categories.
The new civil code regulates deliberately some of them, for example: sale and
purchase, location, society, mandate, bailment, transaction etc. As we will see some
classifications of the contracts are enumerated in the texts of code (art. 1171-1177), other
classifications are the result of the juristic doctrine activity.
I. The civil juristic document was defined as „a manifestation of will with the
intention of producing juristic effects, meaning the birth, change and cancel of an concrete
civil juristic relation” or “the manifestation of will occurred for the realization of juristic
effects materialized in the creation, the change, the transfer or the canceling of an concrete
civil juristic relation” (Art.1166 C.civ.).
See art.1166 from the New civil code

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