Civil and Criminal Enforcement and Penalties

AuthorPeter J. Murtha
Civil and Criminal Enforcement
and Penalties
I. Introduction
In assessing the topic of civil and criminal environmental enforcement and
penalties across the globe, it is fair to say that there is considerable variabil-
ity in nearly every respect. There is variability in available enforcement tools,
potential severity of penalties, and robustness of the institutions undertaking
enforcement efforts. This means that specific, localized knowledge will be
the key to an attorney’s success. Nonetheless, for broad advisory purposes
there are clearly ways of minimizing risk. As a general matter, environmen-
tal enforcement tends to be strongest and most consistent in countries with a
mature rule of law, a well-established environmental statutory and regula-
tory framework, and the economic resources to provide essential environ-
mental oversight by government regulators and prosecutors.
Based on a review of official government environmental websites and
news sites, it appears that dating back to at least the 1970s the United States
has had the most comprehensive system of environmental enforcement of
any country. It continues to be the leader in terms of the breadth of its
enforcement tools and the severity of penalties associated with findings of
environmental noncompliance. Thus, if one were to conduct business activi-
ties in foreign countries as if under the watchful eye of U.S. environmental
regulators—though, naturally, with regard to the particular environmental
standards and procedures required by that country—one would expect to
generally avoid precipitating a vigorous enforcement action or more extreme
penalties. While the United States may not necessarily have in place the
most stringent environmental standard of any nation with respect to the reg-
ulation of a particular activity, it is much more likely to compel a business to
comply with the requirements that it has in place and apply sanctions if they
have not.
It is not remotely possible within the confines of this chapter to provide
a detailed roadmap to this subject that will permit one to navigate across the

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