Chief Editor's Note on Legal Education in Brics Countries

AuthorD. Maleshin
PositionLomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
ChIEf EdIToR’S noTE on LEgaL EduCaTIon
Lomonosov Moscow State University
(Moscow, Russia)
Recommended citation: Dmitry Maleshin, Chief Editor’s Note on Legal Education in
BRICS Countries, 2(1) BRICS LJ (2015).
Education is one of the most conservative spheres of life. It carries out not
only its direct func tions, but also acts as an element of any public contract. Sharp
changes can aect the balance of public relations. Legal education in this context is
of particular importance. Through most of world’s political and public leaders it has
a direct bearing on society, state, law, legal and other social regulators.
Strangely enough, these problems are typical not only of Russia. Talk of crisis in legal
education resounds in many countries, editorials with signicant headings like ‘Legal
Education in Crisis’ appear both in Europe, and in America (e.g., N.Y. Times, Nov. 26,
2011, at A18). Moreover, it is not only the Russian President who deals with all
problems ‘hands on, including the problems of legal education. Two years ago, Barack
Obama personally oered such radical measures that it almost turned the whole legal
academic community in the USA against him (N.Y. Times, Sep. 20, 2013, at A16).
Teachers and students around the world feel changes, the active reform and
revision of traditions and the settled techniques. Former approaches do not meet
the current requirements, and now a transformation is under way. It shows the state
of transition of the higher law school, a search for its new mission, place and role in
a changing world. In dierent countries this process occurs dierently.
It is important to consider domestic problems while taking into account universal
changes. It is obviously wrong to deny the Russian origin and charac ter of many
problems, so the proposed measures for solving those problems also have to
consider national features. A universal model for the improvement of the educational
system is unlikely to exist.
In this situation, the cooperation prospects in the eld of legal education in
BRICS countries seem to be interesting. The economic and political rapprochement

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