Care and support

An ILO code of practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work
cal facilities. Following the conclusion of a risk assessment, further guidance as to
the workers legal rights, including eligibility and required procedures for workers
compensation, should be given.
9. Care and support
Solidarity, care and support are critical elements that should guide a workplace in
responding to HIV/AIDS. Mechanisms should be created to enco urage openness, accept-
ance and support for those workers who disclose their HIV status, and ensure that they
are not discriminated against nor stigmatized. To mitigate the impact of the HIV/AIDS
epidemic in the workplace, workplaces should endeavour to provide counselling and
other forms of social support to workers infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. Where
health-care services exist at the workplace, appropriate treatment should be provided.
Where these services are not possible, workers should be informed about the location
of available outside services. Linkages such as this have the advantage of reaching be-
yond the workers to cover their families, in particular their children. Partnership between
governments, employers, workers and their organizations and other relevant stakehold-
ers also ensures effective delivery of services and saves costs.
9.1. Parity with other serious illnesses
(a) HIV infection and clinical AIDS should be managed in the workplace no less favour-
ably than any other serious illness or condition.
(b) Workers with HIV/AIDS should be treated no less favourably than workers with
other serious illnesses in terms of benefits, workers’ compensation and reasonable
(c) As long as workers are medically fit for appropriate employment, they should enjoy
normal job security and opportunities for transfer and advancement.
9.2. Counselling
(a) Employers should encourage workers with HIV/AIDS to use expertise and assist-
ance outside the enterprise for counselling or, where available, its own occupational
safety and health unit or other workplace programme, if specialized and confidential
counselling is offered.
(b) To give effect to this, employers should consider the following actions:
identify professionals, self-help groups and services within the local co mmunity or
region which specialize in HIV/AIDS-related counselling and the treatment of
identify community-based organizations, both of a medical and non-medical char-
acter, that may be useful to workers with HIV/AIDS;
suggest that the worker contact his or her doctor or qualified health-care provid-
ers for initial assessment and treatment if not already being treated, or help the
worker locate a qualified health-care provider if he or she does not have one.
(c) Employers should provide workers with HIV/AIDS with reasonable time off for
counselling and treatment in conformity with minimum national requirements.
(d) Counselling support should be made accessible at no cost to the workers and
adapted to the different needs and circumstances of women and men. It may be

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