
Advanced Space Law, Volume 3, 2019 151
Anna Danylenko is a Master Degree in Law, researcher, Scientic Institute of Public Law.
Sphere of science interests: administrative policy in various spheres, administrative
legal status of subjects of public administration, European administrative law. She is
the author of more than 15 scientic works. Kyiv (Ukraine).
Serhii Didenko is a Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor. Main scientic
interests: legal regulation of the possession and use of weapons. Main stages of scientic
activity, results, ideas and projects: Analysis of the philosophical, social, psychological,
engineering, economic and legal aspects of the possession and use of weapons and
armament (since 2004 till present). To date, he has written over 100 scientic works.
Currently, he is the Director of the Kherson Institute of “Interregional Academy of
Personnel Management.” Kherson (Ukraine).
Renáta Dolanská is a Doctor of Law. Sphere of science interests: administrative policy
in various spheres, administrative legal status of subjects of public administration,
European administrative law. She is the author of more than 40 scientic works.
Currently, she works as the Greek-Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of
Presov. Presov (Slovakia).
Olexiy Drozd is a Doctor of Law, Associate Professor. Sphere of scientic interests: concept
and elements of administrative liability; concept, composition and elements of
administrative oenses; prevention of administrative oenses; public administration of
the internal aairs agencies; organization of the activity of foreign police; non-contact
administrative services; municipal services; the use of space information technology
in the work of the police. Olexiy Drozd is the author of more than 300 scientic
publications. Currently, he is the head of the doctoral department at the National
Academy of Internal Aairs. Kyiv (Ukraine).
Olena Halahan is a doctoral candidate of the Department of International Law at Taras
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Sphere of scientic interests: problems of
international maritime law, international information law and international human

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