Current and traditional in approaching a personality with aggressive potential

AuthorGabriel Ungureanu
PositionInstitute of Philosophy and Psichology 'C. R-Motru', Romanian Academy, The Psichology Department, Bucharest, Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www.juridicalj
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No.1 (2012), pp. 167-174
G. Ungureanu
Gabriel Ungureanu
Institute of Philosophy and Psichology “C. R-Motru”, Romanian Academ y, The Psichology
Department, Bucharest, Romania.
*Correspondence: Ungurea nu Gabriel, Institute of Philosophy and Psichology “C.R-Motru”
Romanian House Academy, Bucharest, Calea 13 Septembrie No .13, Romania
This article contains information as well as classical models on dealing with ma jor
psychological aggression. A synthesis of scientific highlighted factors which are present in
the psychosocial environment, influence the individual and predispose to aggression is also
performed. The first part comprises the op inion, the definition and explanation of classical
psychologists who are preoccupied with this field. Explicative models that have logically
adjusted up to this point are then presented, as well as the assumptions on origin of the
aggresive behaviour. The following are thus high lighted: the innate cha racter with its
corresponding model, biological-ethological; aggression as response to frustration with the
psychosociologic model; aggression, as learned feature with the socioculturalist model. The
new tendencies of research in the field that describe the role of heredity and genetics
involved in the state o f aggression and violence are not left out. The methods mentioned are:
chromosome research, genealogy research and twin research. Scientific certainties and
controversies regarding the causa l level generating aggresion in human beings are
presented in the paper’s conclusion.
Keywords: aggression, violence, school, frustration, psychologic al.
In the field of these potential and real psychological and social dysfunctions, at the
level of the society and that of the individual, part of the local government as well some
parents have lost interest in the problems of children and adolescents who fail to
identify cultural and civic models of be haviour. As social an d individual effects a nega tive
emergence can be seen, and one can state that personal identity, still developing during
childhood and adolescence, is often affected by: deviance of character, aggression and
social maladjustment of an avoidant type. En vironment factors of this visible, constant
dysfunction can be easily identified in socius, we herein specify: the perpetual experimental
education system, chronic poverty, somatop sychic disorders, and the government
institutions’ ch ronic and obvious lack of interest in the formation of the p erson, this whole
picture being easily justified now by the “econo mic crisis”. Individual factors can cause
deviance to some extent, aggressive and criminal behaviour of children and adolescents
having neuropsychological valences. Thus the complex nature of these factors is deciphered
only in addressing biological-personological coordinates. Factorial constellations likely to
produce behavioural deviations primarily in children and ado lescents no longer resemble
those who influenced the society of previous generations, but they h ave already caused

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