Applying the Concept of Better Regulation to Internal Security Policy

AuthorAnnika Talmar-Pere - Raul Narits - Aare Kasemets
PositionLL.M., Researcher Estonian Academy of Security Sciences - Professor of Comparative Jurisprudence, University of Tartu - Head, Better Regulation and Security Research Group Estonian Academy of Security Sciences
Annika Talmar-Pere Raul Narits Aare Kasemets
LL.M., Researcher Professor Head, Better Regulation and
Estonian Academy of of Comparative Jurisprudence Security Research Group
Security Sciences University of Tartu Estonian Academy of Security Sciences
Applying the Concept
of Better Regulation
to Internal Security Policy
In line with contemporary understanding of the state based on the rule of law, law is practically the only
means available to a state by which it can and is entitled to order human behaviour. At the same time, the
state as a sovereign entity is competent to decide on the area of human reality that it wishes to regulate by
legal rules. Likewise, it is for the state itself to decide what the respective (normative) order should look like
in its ideal.
This article concentrates on the ordering by rules of the internal security of a state as an absolutely
important area of practical reality. In adopting this emphasis, we are interested less in the content of the
respective legal rules than we are in the problems related to the application of the principles of better regu-
lation where the ordering of the area of internal security is concerned. The subject matter is of vital impor-
tance for Estonia as the ministries responsible for internal security and the respective legal regulation—the
so-called internal security law—are facing certain diff‌i culties in meeting the requirements set forth by the
principles of better regulation.*1
The authors are of the opinion that better regulation, or, primarily, following of the requirements of
better regulation does not replace but rather complements political decision-making. It is precisely because
of that supportive function that the link between the main instruments touching upon the area of internal
security policy in Estonia and the implementation of the respective policies has to be recognised. As indi-
cated above, this implementation is possible only by and with the aid of legal rules and other utterances of
law. Approaching the problem from that perspective, one can establish the necessary connection between
that contained in the instruments of internal security policy (i.e., concepts, measures, means of governance,
etc.), and the principles of better regulation in the legislative process at both national and EU level.*2
In this article, the essence of better regulation, the main features of internal security in the context of
the actual state of internal security of Estonia, and the implementation side of better regulation with an
emphasis on the internal security policy instruments of Estonia shall be discussed.
1 A. Kasemets. Lõhe õigusloome normide ja faktide vahel mõjude hindamise ja huvirühmade kaasamise teabe esitamisel (The
Gap between Law-making Norms and Facts (1998–2009) in the Field of Impact Assessment and Civic Engagement). –
Riigikogu Toimetised 2009 (19), pp. 104–115 (in Estonian).
2 In order to refer to problematic areas as regards rule-making in the f‌i eld of internal security, the authors use the concept of
‘selective compliance with the rules of rule-making’ throughout the text. The term in itself implies certain problems in this

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