Annex A. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc.,concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat

Annex A. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc.,
concerning treaties and international agreements registered
with the Secretariat
No. 588. Multilateral
Convention (No. 5) fixing the minimum age for admission of children
to industrial employment, as modified by the Final Articles Revision
Convention, 1946. Washington, 28 November 1919
Denunciation (pursuant to the ratification of Convention
No. 138, in accordance with article 10)
Central African Republic
Date: 28 June 2000
Date of effect: 28 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
Denunciation (pursuant to the ratification of Convention
No. 138, in accordance with article 10)
Date: 5 June 2000
Date of effect: 5 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
Denunciation (pursuant to the ratification of Convention
No. 138, in accordance with article 10)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Date: 7 June 2000
Date of effect: 7 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
No. 590. Multilateral
Convention (No. 7) fixing the minimum age for admission of children
to employment at sea, as modified by the Final Articles Revision
Convention, 1946. Genoa, 9 July 1920
Denunciation (pursuant to the ratification of Convention
No. 138, in accordance with article 10)
Date: 5 June 2000
Date of effect: 5 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
Denunciation (pursuant to the ratification of Convention
No. 138, in accordance with article 10)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Date: 7 June 2000
Date of effect: 7 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
No. 593. Multilateral
Convention (No. 10) concerning the age for admission of children to
employment in agriculture, as modified by the Final Articles Revi-
sion Convention, 1946. Geneva, 16 November 1921
Denunciation (pursuant to the ratification of Convention
No. 138, in accordance with article 10)
Central African Republic
Date: 28 June 2000
Date of effect: 28 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
Denunciation (pursuant to the ratification of Convention
No. 138, in accordance with article 10)
Date: 5 June 2000
Date of effect: 5 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
Denunciation (pursuant to the ratification of Convention
No. 138, in accordance with article 10)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Date: 7 June 2000
Date of effect: 7 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
No. 598. Multilateral
Convention (No. 15) fixing the minimum age for the admission of
young persons to employment as trimmers or stokers, as modified
by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946. Geneva, 11 No-
vember 1921
Denunciation (pursuant to the ratification of Convention
No. 138, in accordance with article 10)
Date: 5 June 2000
Date of effect: 5 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
Denunciation (pursuant to the ratification of Convention
No. 138, in accordance with article 10)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Date: 7 June 2000
Date of effect: 7 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
Denunciation (pursuant to the ratification of Convention
No. 138, in accordance with article 10)
Date: 15 June 2000
Date of effect: 15 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
No. 615. Multilateral
Convention (No. 33) concerning the age for admission of children to
non-industrial employment, as modified by the Final Articles Revi-
sion Convention, 1946. Geneva, 30 April 1932
Denunciation (pursuant to the ratification of Convention
No. 138, in accordance with article 10)
Central African Republic
Date: 28 June 2000
Date of effect: 28 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
No. 635. Multilateral
Convention (No. 58) fixing the minimum age for the admission of chil-
dren to employment at sea (revised 1936), as modified by the Final
Articles Revision Convention, 1946. Geneva, 24 October 1936
Denunciation (pursuant to the ratification of Convention
No. 138, in accordance with article 10)
Date: 5 June 2000
Date of effect: 5 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
No. 881. Multilateral
Convention (No. 87) concerning freedom of association and protec-
tion of the right to organize. San Francisco, 9 July 1948
Papua New Guinea
Registration of instrument with the Director-General of the Inter-
national Labour Office: 2 June 2000
Date of effect: 2 June 2001
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Labour Organisation, 11 September 2000
No. 970. Multilateral
Geneva Convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wound-
ed and sick in armed forces in the field. Geneva, 12 August 1949
Deposit of instrument with the Government of Switzerland: 14
August 2000
Date of effect: 14 August 2000
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Switzer-
land, 14 September 2000
No. 971. Multilateral
Geneva Convention for the amelioration of the condition of wounded,
sick and shipwrecked members of the armed forces at sea. Gene-
va, 12 August 1949
Deposit of instrument with the Government of Switzerland: 14
August 2000
Date of effect: 14 August 2000
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Switzer-
land, 14 September 2000
No. 972. Multilateral
Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war. Ge-
neva, 12 August 1949
Deposit of instrument with the Government of Switzerland: 14
August 2000
Date of effect: 14 August 2000
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Switzer-
land, 14 September 2000
No. 973. Multilateral
Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in
time of war. Geneva, 12 August 1949
Deposit of instrument with the Government of Switzerland: 14
August 2000
Date of effect: 14 August 2000
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Switzer-
land, 14 September 2000

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