Agile optimization of a two‐echelon vehicle routing problem with pickup and delivery

AuthorLeandro do C. Martins,Angel A. Juan,Patrick Hirsch
Published date01 January 2021
Date01 January 2021
Intl. Trans. in Op. Res. 28 (2021) 201–221
DOI: 10.1111/itor.12796
Agile optimization of a two-echelon vehicle routing problem
with pickup and delivery
Leandro do C. Martinsa,, Patrick Hirschband Angel A. Juana,c
aIN3 – Computer Science Department, Universitat Oberta deCatalunya, Barcelona, Spain
bInstitute of Production and Logistics, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
cEuncet Business School, Terrassa,Spain
E-mail: [do C. Martins]; [Hirsch]; [Juan]
Received 28 May2019; received in revised form 8 January 2020; accepted 10 March 2020
In this paper, we consider a vehicle routing problem in which a fleet of homogeneous vehicles, initially lo-
cated at a depot, has to satisfy customers’ demands in a two-echelon network: first, the vehicles have to
visit intermediate nodes (e.g., a retail center or a consolidation center), where they deliver raw materials
or bulk products and collect a number of processed items requested by the customers in their route; then,
the vehicles proceed to complete their assigned routes, thus delivering the processed items to the final cus-
tomers before returning to the depot. During this stage, vehicles might visit other intermediate nodes for
reloading new items. In some real-life scenarios, this problem needs to be solved in just a few seconds or
even milliseconds, which leads to the concept of “agile optimization.” This might be the case in some res-
cue operations using drones in humanitarian logistics, where every second can be decisive to save lives. In
order to deal with this real-time two-echelon vehicle routing problem with pickup and delivery, an original
constructive heuristic is proposed. This heuristic is able to provide a feasible and reasonably good solution
in just a few milliseconds. The constructive heuristic is extended into a biased-randomized algorithm using
a skewed probability distribution to modify its greedy behavior. This way, parallel runs of the algorithm are
able to generate evenbetter results without violating the real-time constraint. Results show that the proposed
methodology generates competitive results in milliseconds, being able to outperform other heuristics from
the literature.
Keywords:agile optimization; disaster management; two-echelon vehicle routing problem;biased-randomized algorithms
1. Introduction
Real-time optimization, where decisions need to be made in just a few seconds or even milliseconds,
has many applicationareas in logistics. For example, in the event of disasters,real-time optimization
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2020 The Authors.
International Transactionsin Operational Research C
2020 International Federation ofOperational Research Societies
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main St, Malden, MA02148,
202 L. do C. Martins et al. / Intl. Op. Res. 28 (2021) 201–221
can be a life-savingdifferential. In this context, last-mile distribution logistics is relatedto the delivery
of urgently needed goods to areas where roads are blocked by extreme weather events, disasters, or
traffic congestion.
A motivational example is the distribution of drugs with drones in disaster situations. When
disasters occur, an effective system of drug management should be establishedby health agencies in
order to (a) ensure the efficient, cost-effective, and rational use of the drugs; (b) prevent and reduce
excess mortality and morbidity; and (c) promote a return to normalcy (McConnan, 2004). This
distribution process is based on selection, procurement, distribution, and use of pharmaceuticals
in primary health care (Quick et al., 1997). We focus on the distribution stage in which urgently
needed items (e.g., drugs) must be delivered to an affected area after a disaster occurred. These items
should be delivered from a near pharmacy or laboratory (intermediate node) as fast as possible. On
the other hand, these intermediate facilities should be served from a central warehouse or depot,
which holds raw material used to fabricate the processed items requested by the final users.
Due to the resulting poor transportation infrastructure after a disaster event, the affected areas
might become no longer accessible by conventional cargo vehicles. Therefore, the use of drones
can be seen as an effective way of delivering life-saving treatments directly to disaster locations.
Examples of drone delivery applications can be found in health care delivery, which includes the
safe delivery of medicines, vaccines, defibrillators, blood samples, disease test samples, and test kits
in remote areas out of reach (Balasingam, 2017; Scott and Scott, 2017).
In city logistics, a variant of the classical and well-known vehicle routing problem (VRP) is the
two-echelon VRP (2E-VRP), which can be found in several transportation systems. This multilevel
distribution system combines two delivery levels, in which the first level addresses the delivery
from the depot to intermediate facilities, while the second level regards the delivery from these
intermediate facilities to final customers. In the presented problem, a set of intermediate facilities
(e.g., pharmaceutical laboratories, PLs) holds a limited inventory of drugs needed in the disaster
areas and must be served with raw material from a single distribution center or depot. On the other
hand, these intermediate facilities must serve as fast as possible a set of final delivery points in the
affected area. The same fleet of dronesis employed in both delivery levels. Although the motivational
example for this paper is the drug distribution in disaster circumstances, similar problems can be
found in other situations, too.
To solve this problem in “real time” (i.e., a few seconds or even milliseconds), we propose a
fast constructive heuristic. This heuristic is then extended to a biased-randomized (BR) algorithm
as described, for example, in Grasas et al. (2017). Hence, we introduce the concept of “agile
optimization,” whichrefers to the massive parallelization of a BR version of a constructive heuristics.
Using parallel computing to solve real-life VRPs, the resulting methodology is able to provide in
milliseconds “good” solutions to medium- and large-sized instances (Juan et al., 2013b). The use of
BR techniques facilitates the design of powerful algorithms that can effectively be used to provide
real-time solutions in a range of situations that arise in dynamic and emergency contexts (Ghiani
et al., 2003).
The paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 presents a literaturereview on related topics; Section 3
describes the addressed problem; Section 4 introduces the proposed solution method; Section 5
presents an analysis of the results and a comparison between the proposed heuristic and other
solving methods; finally, Section 6 highlights the main conclusions of this work and proposes some
lines for future research.
2020 The Authors.
International Transactionsin Operational Research C
2020 International Federation ofOperational Research Societies

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