China's new trademark law

AuthorZhang Mao
PositionMinister, State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), People's Republic of China
p. 34 2014 | 5
Establishing the condi tions for innovation and creativity to thrive
and improving China’s intellectual proper ty (IP) system are top
priorities for the Chine se Government in its proces s of reform
and opening up. The newly amende d Trademark Law of the
People’s Republic of China, which took effect o n May 1, 2014,
is the latest major step in enhanci ng the country’s IP system.
The new trademark law strea mlines trademark regis tration
procedures and strengthens the legal protection of trademarks
in China in line with internation al standards. It also promises to
generate signicant eco nomic and social benets for the countr y
and to support the growth of the g lobal economy and trade.
Since the adoption of its policy of reform a nd opening up, the
Chinese Government ha s been paying increasing at tention to
the importance an d role that IP plays in socioecono mic devel-
opment and consistently work ing to improve the country’s IP
system. IP is a strategic national resource for the d evelopment
of innovation and a core element in deter mining a country’s
ability to compete in internationa l markets.
Since its promulgation in 1982, there have been two amen d-
ments to the trademark law – in 1993 and 2001 – in line with
the evolution of China’s market economy and the internationa l-
ization of economic growth. T his ongoing strengthening of the
legal framework for protecting trad emarks in China is aimed
at protecting the legitimate rights and interes ts of trademark
owners and consumer s and to maintaining competitive and
fair market conditions.
The promulgation and imple mentation in 2008 of China’s national
IP strategy provided a good policy a nd legal basis for the further
development of the countr y’s trademark system.
Over the years, China has see n marked improvement in the
registration, use, protection, and managem ent of trademarks,
which are now playing an increa singly important rol e in pro-
moting business growth an d economic development. But i n
recent years, China has em erged as a true trademark p ower.
The country’s trademark of ce processes the large st number
of trademark applicatio ns in the world. By the end of 2013,
China had recorded a cumul ative total of 13.24 million trade-
mark applications and 8.65 mil lion registrations, of which 7.24
million remain in force.
By Mr. ZHANG Mao , Minister, State
Administration for Industry and Commerce
(SAIC), People’s Republic of C hina
Photo: SAIC
Minister Z hang Mao (above). Chin a’s new
trademark l aw which took eect in M ay
2014 seeks to protect t he rights of brand
owners and con sumers and to mai ntain
competitive a nd fair market con ditions.

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